June 7, 2024

DEFI 800 – Wrapping up the 2024 Journey!

At On Side, supporting our communities is at the heart of what we do and generosity being one of our core values. As our relay teams catch their breath and tend to their muscles for some well-deserved rest, let’s take a moment to reflect on the incredible 2024 DEFI 800 journey.

On Side employees showed unparalleled dedication and grit as they ran from Montreal to Toronto, raising funds and awareness for youth mental health across Canada.

Ron Biggs, Regional VP, West, who ran with the West team was thrilled to have been a part of the event for a second year. “The organizers, coaches, and volunteers made the experience something special to remember. It was truly inspiring to watch co-workers and the rest of the On Side community crush their personal goals and come together to support such an important cause,” said Ron.

Highlights of the event

  • Together, our three teams raised a total of $33,897.37 to support organizations that provide critical mental health support for youth across Canada.
  • All funds raised will be donated to the Fondation Jeunes En Tête and Jack.org
  • More than 30 runners and volunteers stepped up to represent On Side and lend their time and energy to ensure the event was a success.

“It was amazing to see new people joining this year and many courageous ones that came back for a second year,” said Henry Blumenthal, VP, Performance Optimization, who was part of the Quebec team. “On Side was well represented with 3 teams this year, and despite the lack of sleep, the few blisters and muscle pains, our team fully appreciated this event. As I often say pain is temporary, pride is forever!”

Congratulations to our runners and thank you to everyone who participated in this initiative! See you all next year!